Counts < 20 are too few to calculate a stable age-adjusted rate.
All rates are per 100,000 population. Rates are age-adjusted to the 2000 PR Std Population (19 age groups)Based on data released 3/19/2024 Data accessed 9/13/2024 7:07:25 PM
* Puerto Rico's 2017 incidence counts and rates are based on the first six months of reported data coupled with half of the population estimate (January to June 2017). Data from July to December 2017 are excluded to account for the population shift that occurred due to Hurricane Maria. ** Caution should be used when interpreting 2020 data. COVID-19 disrupted health services, causing delays and reductions in cancer detection, diagnosis, and reporting to the Puerto Rico Central Cancer Registry. This may have contributed to the decreased incidence in many types of cancer.